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Nicole L Daniels

Adding Ginger

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

Ginger has been a staple in the seasoning cabinet for some time. However, it was in 2009 that I learned more of one of its uses.

Allow me to remind everyone that I am not giving medical advice, but just sharing my journey that has allowed me to move toward better health.

In 2009, I started having horrible digestive issues. Looking back, I think much of it was caused by stress but I couldn’t figure out how to get a handle on things. My mom suggested that I take ginger tablets that she liked and sent me some. And they seemed to help. To this day, I still ginger around as a just in case, especially if I eat something that is not quite the best for me.

Have you tried ginger? I also drink ginger tea probably twice each week. It’s especially good when the weather is chilly. Below I’m including some of the qualities of ginger as mentioned on

  • One study suggests that ginger is one of the most effective preventative treatments for certain types of cancer including colon cancer, as it significantly reduces inflammation throughout the body

  • Has also been proven to relieve muscle pain and fatigue

  • Used to treat a number of gastrointestinal disorders as well as autoimmune diseases such as arthritis

  • Taken as a daily supplement, ginger can prevent liver damage caused by certain medication

  • Can also help with hypertension, painful period symptoms and migraines

I’m not saying that ginger is a cure all. And I always recommend that you work with your health care provider. But if you have not tried ginger, I recommend it. The taste can be overwhelming for some. If the taste is too strong for you, trying ginger tablets might be your best option.

See you next week! If ginger has helped you in any way, I invite you to share your results.

Author: nlchronicles

I’m just a girl, sharing my journey toward health. Emotional, physical and mental health are so interconnected and I am striving to achieve them while maintaining my sanity and sense of humor!

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